Thomas Hurley, President
FOP seeks help with Murder Mystery of Officer Nathaniel Henry!
About Us
The Fraternal Order of Police was formed back in 1915 and our organization was Chartered on, March 24th 1975. The F.O.P. is the largest Fraternal Organization of Police Officer’s in the United States with over 346,000 members and over 2,100 local chapters across the Country. We are the local Lodge for the Dorchester County area and we have Officer Members from the Cambridge Police Department, the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office, the Hurlock Police Department, the Maryland State Police and Retired and Disabled Officers from those and other various agencies.
We care about our Officers and their Rights, Benefits and Safety. We help them and their families when they are hurt or killed in the Line of Duty or when they are falsely charged by criminals who are looking to get out of the charges against them. We speak out about many issues to help them and in turn make our towns and cities safer for all citizens. We want Good Officers and Good Police Departments because we believe that it is what is needed with all the problems that we are currently facing within our Nation. We will continue to work on these matters in the years ahead and we hope that you will help us also.

Associate Membership
Anyone who is interested in becoming an Associate Member of the Cambridge FOP Lodge should contact the Lodge at fopcambridge27@yahoo.com. You may also contact the Lodge President, Thomas Hurley at (410) 330-8968 for further information.
An Associate Member does not need to be a Law Enforcement Officer. Applicants must be at least 18 yrs of age, have not been convicted of a Felony or a Serious Crime and be of sound moral character. Most importantly, you must support local Law Enforcement Officers. Upon emailing the Cambridge FOP at fopcambridge27@yahoo.com you will be contacted and provided with an Associate Member Application. Annual dues are $25.00.
These are the blueprints for the lodge we are considering. All donations will go toward the building and furnishing of this lodge so we can create a safe and happy location for officers to have meetings and functions.